Our state has a lot to offer, and so do we.
A different tool for every project.
With diverse landscapes and natural habitats in Virginia and landowners with different objectives, we have the expertise to customize resource management to meet your needs. Whether it’s managing your woodlands to generate income or improve forest health, controlling invasive species so native plants can flourish, or converting remote or unproductive fields to native grass and pollinator meadows, we offer a variety of services to landowners.
Forest Management
Good forest management demands that we understand a landowner’s objectives and “vision” for their property before we cruise and manage it. Using this information, we can devise a management plan that meets your objectives without degrading soil and water resources, critical viewsheds, and unique habitats.
Wildlife Habitat Management
With expertise in wildlife management, we can inventory your property and prescribe a variety of management practices that enhance the natural diversity and quality of the habitat for native game and wildlife species. Many of these improvements are eligible for cost-sharing funds from your local NRCS.
Conservation Easements
Conservation easements are an important way to generate income and tax benefits from preserving family farms and forestlands. With our experience in managing conservation easements, we can provide advice to help steer landowners through the process of preserving their land and prepare baseline and easement inspection reports.
Invasive Species Management
Invasive species are non-native plants that aggressively displace natural plant communities, and they can be found just about everywhere. At VFWG, our crews are trained at identifying and removing these plants using hand removal, cut stump, foliar treatment, and other methods so native plants can flourish.
Pollinator Meadows
Native grasses and wildflowers aren’t just pretty—they’re adapted to thrive in Virginia’s cold winters and humid summers These plants are vital in attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds. We convert remote and fallow fescue fields to vibrant and beautiful pollinator meadows.
GPS/ GIS Mapping
Using the latest in GIS mapping technology, we can map your property and show different forest types, riparian areas, and other natural resource features. With hand-held GPS units, we can record the location and acreage of these features and their boundaries.
Habitat Restoration
The broomsedge and wildflower meadow shown above was created by clearcutting a degraded stand of Virginia pine, mulching the leftover debris, and controlling woody stems so species dormant in the seedbed would re-emerge. Though periodic maintenance may be needed, it is now a thriving native meadow community.
Prescribed Fire
Prescribed fire is a cheap and effective tool for managing the understory of pine plantations and hardwood stands. By controlling woody vegetation and briars, native grasses and forbs can become established. This can enhance the quail habitat and create a more scenic and open woodland.
Timber Stand Improvement
Timber Stand Improvement is a pre-commercial thinning method that promotes superior trees by culling out inferior competition that robs them of available sunlight and growing space. Thinning is done by mechanical or chemical means. The above photo shows “save” trees with blue marking.
Other services we provide
Wetland and Stream management
Property Assessments for timber, Wildlife, and Recreational Value
Habitat management Plans
Timber Sales and Appraisals
Wildlife habitat Inventory and Assessment
Population Censuses
Plant Material and Nursery Stock
Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
Flora/ Fauna Surveys
Ready to take the next step?
(434) 882-4297
7202 Plank Rd
Afton, VA 22920